Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Good Without God


This is an easy-to-read book for those who have lost faith in a god, and who are despairing of our ever sorting out the terrible things that are currently happening on earth.

The author argues that benevolence is not so much a passport to heaven but a passage to the survival of our species and the preservation of the ecosystem of our world. Using three parables that Jesus told in response to questions about what heaven would look like on earth, Miss Schlesinger argues that benevolence only works when it is collectively applied, and that the occasional kind deed by individuals has little effect in our world. 

This short ebook delves into the difference between good and evil, the secular history of the bible, and what existing secular evidence there is for the existence of Christ. It explains the three parables in a modern context, and gives an easy way for anyone to figure out what is a good action and what is a bad action.

Miss Schlesinger attended a church school as a child, then became an evangelical Christian for ten years before deciding that the existence of God was in question. She then converted to Judaism and, after conversation, was appointed to the Committee of a leading reform synagogue - based on her knowledge of Torah. When that still didn't answer the questions, the author studied comparative religion, the law of attraction, and other spiritual paths. She also read the Koran.

Before publication, her work was sent to several beta readers for discussion and correction. She received approval from all readers, regardless of whether they were Christian or atheists. 

To quote from one of the beta readers of the book - Sam H Arnold - "I have spent a rather wonderful weekend reading your book. I have so many notes of topics for research and points that I want to think about more. People with an open mind will be lead to think about things in a very different manner. You state the facts well, you are not derogatory about religion, but state your opinions well with proof. It is my opinion whether you are religious or not, you will get something out of this book. This is a book for today. You are publishing at just the right time, with most countries having serious questions of the 'leaders' they have elected. "

The book is available from Amazon, itunes, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, and other on-line book stores.

Click here to get Good Without God on Amazon Kindle

Click here to get Good Without God on Barnes & Noble

Click here to get Good Without God on Kobo

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