Friday, October 9, 2020

Help for Sensory Challenges

Parents become exhausted trying to help their kids who are sensory challenged! 
My years of clinical practice and research with families and children has proven that you have to work with perception and the body in order to help a child regulate. 

This book is filled with body-based simple games, like 'Cow against a Tree,' 'Focus-Relax,' or 'Come close, move back, hug.' Each series of games works with the body; special senses of the face and head, the building blocks of proprioception, tactile games, vestibular and spatial awareness, and movement action games. You will get the "why?" of the game, and the "how to play." 

Enjoy the benefits! No more melt downs, a child who can focus without sensory distractions, and more ease in parenting! Teens can use this book as well.  

Here's a few of the game titles from the Proprioception and Tactile Games Section
Cow Against a Tree 
Tight as a Rock, Loose as Water................................
Squishy Bug .............................................................
Curl Like a Snail, Grow Like a Tree.............................. 
Skin Play: Pat, Brush, Squeeze, and Rub......................
Skin Brushing .............................................................
Bone Lever Game ........................................................
Steering Wheel Toes....................................................
Windshield Wipers ...................................................... 

Parenting is a hard enough job as it is, and sensory challenges can make it a nightmare. Spread the word so parents and kids can have more fun. 


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